Our Services
Specialists in Quality Enhancement
Our Expertise is Higher Education Quality Enhancement
With detailed knowledge of higher education quality enhancement and quality assurance, HEQES offers an individual service designed around your specific requirements.
We enjoy helping you to devise effective solutions for the challenges and issues you need solve.
HEQES can help you:
Implement transformation and change programmes
Understand student experience, strengthen student engagement and partnership
HEQES will:
Undertake quality audits and reviews and develop enhancement
Devise targeted review and evaluation methods
Analyse challenges and help devise effective ways forward aligned to your organisation
Design and deliver workshops and training sessions
Involve staff and students in solutions development and enhancement plans
Audit and Review
With extensive experience of external and internal review methods we can support your preparations for external review and can conduct reviews and evaluations of academic and student-facing activity.
We can design effective, purpose-specific approaches to review – and, of course, help you ensure that there is effective follow up in implementing changes.
Developmental Workshops
Built around the strategic challenges you want solved we can design and deliver customised workshops to define and develop the effective solutions you are looking for.
We are expert in the design of workshop materials that engage participants in collaborative discussions towards generating insight into issues, identifying potential solutions and devising agreed implementation plans.
Workshops may be linked to strategic challenges or strategic development, to quality review, to aspects of curriculum design and development – or to wider change programmes.
Analysis and Evaluation
When an independent view would provide you with that additional insight you need to help you move forward, we can help. You may need a new perspective on a project that has stalled or be looking to find ways to hear staff or student voices curated by someone outside your organisation. Talk to us and see how we can help.
Quality Enhancement
Above all, HEQES is concerned with quality enhancement. We are passionate about the student experience and how that experience can be improved. We can help support your plans for change initiatives, building on the enablers and sorting the barriers to change.
We like to find ways that make things better for your organisation – be it for students, for staff, at departmental level, for a particular service or in moving forward at a more senior and strategic level.